Monday, January 19, 2009

Gargs Birthday

Being a Grandparent means you get to enjoy birthdays all over again. Birthdays are definitely one of the highlights of Ethans days and it's a very serious business.
Of course blowing out the candles is one of the best parts!
Though cutting and eating the cake comes a very close second. I haven't noticed before but is there a bit of likeness in the grins from the boys?
Once the cake is all over it was a Headache challenge. Usually Ethan is a front runner but here you can almost see the "Oh no Garg, what ARE you doing?"

A really lovely morning and a great day. A couple of phone calls from Carly in Auckland and Liv in India and of course family in Christchurch also touched base so Brent/Dad/Garg had a lovely day.

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Tractor Nan moving the earth....

Duds let me loose with the tractor ... a borrowed tractor at that. After about a 5 minute lesson from Duds he let me loose! Man I had fun. Such good fun that I let Pops go home without me so I could have MORE FUN!!
Actually it was harder work than I thought. You need to have strong knees and arms, to keep changing the gear and moving the bucket up and down .
But that said I really enjoyed myself for a couple of hours. I don't think I'll give up my day job but for a bit of light recreational fun it was great. The farm is looking really good with the "lawn" area in front of the deck now getting bigger almost by the day!

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Lighting the shady areas!

Well babes, we got our parcel safe and sound, it was a very exciting time! We love everything and have started putting the shades up around the house - a real Nepalese style in the entrance hall... The looooooooooooong red in the hall leadging to our boudoir!!! Not sure where Liss thinks she's off to, but Dad is obviously heading outside with a Heiny!
A couple of limes to freshen up the lounge room........ Do you like our choice of TV programme? It's food channel and the programme is called Rhodes across China all about different styles and flavours of Chinese cookery.
And a lovely shade of lemon for the dinning room! Casting a bit of light on the pashminas and other goodies!
We hope you approve of the choices to date and rest assured that there will be adds, moves and changes over the coming weeks! Good choices on your part though kids, we love them all!