Saturday, April 18, 2009

The Happy Family

Ethan has been such a good boy while Mum has been in hospital, and also when he wasn't too well himself that Dad said he could have his new Superman outfit. It gives special powers...
Are you ready for the amazing Superman feat!?%$@!Ha! fooled you, but you do get a really nice smile...
Ethan (AKA Superman) and Nan are spending some time at the farm while Dad pops in to the hospital to see Mummy and new baby sister Brooke.
Then it was a quick trip to Nan and Gargs. And even Superman needs sustinance so an itsy bitsy tea was the order of the day. Then Dad picked up Ethan and Nan headed off to the airport to pick up Aunty Carly and go in and see bubs...
Dee was looking fantastic and baby Brooke was on her best behaviour ...
Well for the first 5 minutes anyway!
Then she decided that she had had enough, so for the next hour or so she gave a very persistent lung test. By the sounds of the other babies in the ward several babies were testing their lungs. It may not be too restful a night for the news mums tonight.
Aunty Carly did manage a quiet cuddle at the beginning of the evening and is totally convinced that Brooke is the most beautiful baby girl born.
There's nothing quite like having a brand new baby snuggle in to your shoulder and Aunty Carly is acting like a pro!
Well bubs may not be too happy and Mum is just thinking hmmmmm! little girl just what is your problem? Day Two is apparently quite a restless day for babies as they get used to a whole new way of life.
Well alls quiet for now, Mum has got Brooke sorted out and Aunty Carly gets to have another quiet wee hold.

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